Vegan Recipes


Lemon Rice

3/4 cup uncooked rice
2 teaspoons urad dal
2 teaspoons channa dal
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 dried red chili, broken into pieces
salt and lemon juice to taste

Put 3/4 of a cup of rice to boil. In another pot heat up about 1 tablespoon of oil. When the oil is hot add the red chili, 2 teaspoons each of urad dal and channa dal. Let the grains roast till they are light brown/red. Do not let them burn. Add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds. When the seeds begin to crackle add the turmeric. Take the pot off the heat. Once the rice is cooked, add it to the mixture. Also add the lemon juice and the salt. Mix it all up till the rice is yellow over. Serves 1.


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